Schaad Detective personnel are attired in two separate and distinct styles of uniforms.
We can supply a security officer with a police type uniform that is dark blue in color. This uniform is used where a readily identifiable and authoritative look is desired.
The second uniform offered is what we refer to as “the soft look”, which is comprised of a navy blue blazer with a Schaad Detective Agency patch, a white uniform shirt, tie and gray trousers. This uniform gives the facility the standardization of the security force but with a business type appearance.
All officers are notified by the corporate office when to make the change from the winter to summer attire so that all officers are simultaneously making these changes.
Each security officer has a photo identification card and badge with him at all times while on duty.
Radio equipment is supplied to every security officer when on duty. At present we are utilizing portable radios which enable all officers to contact our base station/dispatcher twenty four (24) hours per day, as well as the armed security supervisor and our mobile patrol officers.